Amel Bešlagić was born in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated in architecture from Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey, and then pursued a master's degree in architecture at Graz University of Technology in Austria.

His role as an assistant at the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Graz University of Technology allowed him to combine his interests in architecture and analogue photography, which he uses as a research tool to document the socio-political environment of Prijedor, exploring its complex narratives through various photographic methods.

Kao dio multimedijalne izložbe “Četiri lica Omarske” izlagao je svoje radove u Beogradu i Berlinu. Pored toga, radove je predstavljao na izložbama u Kozarcu, Sarajevu i Grazu. Amel se kontinuirano  fokusira na odnos između arhitekture i društvenog konteksta u kojem ona postoji, pridonoseći razumijevanju svog rodnog grada i njegovih izazova.
