Date: 06.08.2024
Location: Omarska, Bosnia & Herzegovina
The photos were taken in Omarska, on the site of the Arcelormittal "Prijedor" iron ore mine, which from May to August 1992 had the function of a concentration camp for the non-Serb population of the municipality of Prijedor.
All these years, through inauguration, dissolution, and even the beginning of the commemoration, there has been constant “(ne)stajanje”*.
Former camp inmates, today standers.
Their space is limited by the promises of the ruling structures and mostly from their-Bosniak political representatives. Thus limited, their standing/disapearing represents a living monument of their past, exposed to the audience of the present.
*the author tends to use the term (ne)stajanje, which can be understood in two ways; as “stajanje”- "standing" and “nestajanje”-"disappearing".

© Amel Bešlagić 2024